
  • oAuth2 Authentication OAuth 2.0 is a well-adopted delegated authorization fram...
  • KAFKA Use cases

    Data Streaming: Think of data as a fast-flowing river. We need a way to tap into that stream, harness its power, and direct it where it needs to go. That's exactly what Apache Kafka does! It empowers us to create real-time streami...
  • Starting a new Linux Ubuntu Server and secure it with UFW Firewall

    First, log in to the server using SSH as the root. 1.- Create a user with sudo capabilitiessudo useradd <name>sudo usermod -aG sudo <name>2.- Add ~/.ssh pub...
  • Install docker in Linux ubuntu

    #!/bin/bash # Function to check if a command is available command_exists() {     ...
  • PostgreSQL Database Replication

    Primary Server Setup Firewalls to allow connectivity sudo ufw allow from <standbyIP> to any port <port> proto <protocol:-tcp>sudo ufw reload...