KAFKA Use cases

Data Streaming: 

Think of data as a fast-flowing river. We need a way to tap into that stream, harness its power, and direct it where it needs to go. That's exactly what Apache Kafka does! It empowers us to create real-time streaming applications, enabling them to transform or react to data swiftly as it flows between systems.

Log Aggregation and Web Activity Tracker: 

Logs are generated in tons every second, and managing them can be a daunting task. But, no worries! Apache Kafka is here to save the day. It offers a unified, high-throughput, low-latency platform for handling real-time data feeds, making it a go-to choice for log aggregation.

Message Queue: 

In the era of microservices, an efficient message queue system is a must-have. Apache Kafka as a message queue delivers scalability, built-in fault tolerance, replication, and high durability, far surpassing traditional messaging systems.

Change Data Capture:

Databases changing by the second? Meet Kafka's sidekick for Change Data Capture: Debezium! Together, they're like a dynamic duo. Debezium keeps an eye on your databases, capturing each change, while Kafka swiftly streams these updates to other systems. It's a real-time, super-efficient tag team, making sure your data is always in sync, 24/7!

Data Replication: 

Apache Kafka is the trusted lieutenant for transferring data between different systems reliably. It serves as a robust and fault-tolerant bridge, ensuring that your data is replicated and synchronized across systems.


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