PostgreSQL Database Replication

Primary Server

Setup Firewalls to allow connectivity 

sudo ufw allow from <standbyIP> to any port <port> proto <protocol:-tcp>
sudo ufw reload

Test from <standbyIP>

telnet <primaryserver> <port> # Must established connection

Create replicator user with replication features.


Modify main configuration file


Established which hosts are allowed to connect for replication 

nano <postgres>/pg_hba.conf 

# Set Client authentication method. SSL is preferred 
hostssl replication replicator <standbyip>/32 md5

Standby Server

Create a backup into the $PGDATA directory for postgres

pg_basebackup-h $PRIMARY_HOST -U $PRIMARY_USER -D $STANDBYDIR -P-R-v-Xstream

-R: The option creates two files; an empty recovery configuration file called standby.signal and a primary node connection settings file called The standby.signal file contains connection information about the primary node and the file informs your replica cluster that it should operate as a standby server.

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